Help Wanted

Cafeteria Monitor/General Kitchen

3 hours daily

Elementary Building

Applications due by 10/13/2021

 Essential Duties 

  • Seats students in the cafeteria. 
  • Monitors student behavior by circulating and interacting with students during meals; encouraging students to wait in line in an orderly fashion; encouraging students to focus on eating and not talking; encouraging students to pick up their trash; encouraging students to leave the cafeteria in an orderly fashion. 
  • Monitor students as they use the trash cans. 
  • Cleans the tables, chairs, and floors where students have eaten. 
  • Washes lunch trays during and after lunch periods. 
  • May assist kitchen staff with minimal food preparation.
  • Other similar duties as assigned.

Apply by completing the Civil Service application below and email to or return via US Mail to:

Pavilion Central School District

Attn: Mary Jo Pahl

7014 Big Tree Road

Pavilion, NY 14525

Genesee County Civil Service Application


Apply on Recruitfront by clicking here


Apply on WNYRIC by clicking here